The 8th: The Unmodern Archetype

2 min readNov 18, 2020

Imagine not being alone.

Imagine all these urges you partake against your will is not ‘you’.

Imagine the 7 deadly sins as a representation of your 7 multiple identities, desperate to derail you from your life.

Now imagine an 8th archetype.

I see Lust destroying men’s lives. I see it feeding off a lack of self-control, enslaving them to sex, forcing them to cave in to their weak biological urge.

I see no standards. Just Lust establishing the hook-up culture of sex & broken values.

I see Gluttony revel in society. Over-indulging in consumption for a desperate show to flaunt itself as the status symbol.

I can see it thriving on wanting more than it needs, transforming men to what they have, not who they are.

I see Greed destroying growth. I see it enslaving men to take & not provide. I see it interfering with mens generosity & selflessness.

It despises life-furthering values, as it desires individual gratification.

Men are not about gratifications.

I see Pride raised by Lust & Greed, deceiving men into false superiority at the expense of themselves, making them despise humility & it’s nurturer; the pursuit of knowledge.

I see Pride deceiving men to believe their knowledge to be complete.

The identity I hate most; I see Sloth forcing men to seek comfort & instant gratifications to the extent of wretched living.

I see it deceiving men to demand rights & dismiss responsibilities.

Death is more desirable.

I see Envy turn men resentful, thriving on their incompetence led by Sloth.

I see it come alive when men self-inflict contempt upon themselves & as a result, sabotage others who are better off.

I see Wrath take control of men at their lowest point, when Sloth & Envy have led them to a new wretched existence.

To Wrath, life is unfair, with everyone an enemy, & the only way to avenge is destruction.

The 8th

A tyrannical force, imposing men on a pathway to self-legislate & seek;

-Integrity, not lust
-Sacrifice, not gluttony
-Growth, not greed
-Competence, not envy
-Humility, not pride
-Power, not sloth
-Transcendence, not wrath

Inspired by Freud, this is my theory on why we regretfully act out urges against our will.

I strongly believe it to be true despite the level of insanity.

I simply don’t believe we are alone on a individual level.

We either self-legislate the 8th,

or dance with our 7 demons.

If this delusional belief helps me excel & govern my identities,

then the truth for me is no longer relevant.

I will honour my delusion as my newfound guidance.

The 8th is the unmodern archetype.

We are carving it out.





Sharing Twitter threads from the members of the8th (for now). More to come soon.