49 Values and Principles to Develop Self-Respect

3 min readNov 20, 2020

Written by UnmodernMan

How do you develop self respect?

Develop values & live by them.

Here’s 49 of mine:

1. Food is sacred & will not be disposed of.

2. Do not sleep around with women for the sake of keeping score.

3. Do not seek freebies. Earn everything you want to get.

4. Always do the right thing by the right people. And prepare to do the wrong thing by the wrong people

5. Never humiliate someone in public if you can achieve the same results in private

6. Do not use foul language in public or infront of women

7. Act out what you say. Otherwise don’t say it.

8. Earn peoples respect, do not expect it.

9. Do not ask for favours. Exchange one thing for another.

10. Only be necessarily expedient when trying to achieve a virtuous goal.

11. Do what 99% of the people wouldn’t do, to be part of the 1%

12. Be grateful. Never be content

13. Don’t ever talk badly behind people’s back, including your enemies.

14. Be ambitious, but do not be greedy.

15. Be cutthroat to the ruthless, but kind to those in need.

16. Do not be emotional on anything that monetises. That includes your 9–5

17. Do not settle for less. And remind those who deserve more than they have settled for.

18. Never let an opportunity compromise your loyalty

19. Submerge your ego to see another’s perspective.

20. Have the capacity to be evil, so you can face evil.

21. Choose to engage in honest conflict over dishonest harmony

22. Risk not being liked in pursuit of the truth

23. Do not manipulate the world to force it to deliver you goods for status.

24. Self-inadequacies is protected by ego & exposed by others.

25. If you want power, you’ll have kneel down to pick it up.

26. Do not make money at the expense of other people’s well-being

27. Your intentions to obtain power should be growth, not greed.

28. Earn respect by providing value without expecting anything in return.

29. What you deserve and what you get is never in balance. Don’t be resentful.

30. If you don’t behave & act in manner that represents your values, someone will place a value less than what they’re worth.

31. Acknowledge your probable capacity for corruption if you choose to pursue power.

32. Dont use your past as an excuse to justify your lack of ability.

33. First explicitly understand, before seeking to be understood.

34. Only invest in people’s perception of you to adjust your self-inadequacies.

35. Arrogance talks. Confidence Shows

36. Do not be disciplined without a goal.

37. Demanding rights imposes responsibility on someone else. Earn your rights instead.

38. Skills gets you through the door. Character keeps you in the room.

39. When you’re angry, be silent.

40. Keep it private, until you know it’s permanent.

41. Dont talk about anyone’s business, without their presence.

42. Be concerned with outcome. Not intent.

43. Seek Honesty, not morality.Morality is cowardice.

44. Think as if you want to kill a part of yourself that you despise.

45. Fortune favours those who voluntarily seek suffering.

46. Still waters run deep.

47. The pathway to freedom is self-imposed slavery.

48. Become a force of truth born to pursue human-rearing values.

49. Freedom is on the other side of self-imposed slavery.




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